Book Club 2025
In 2025, Open Doors will be partnering with Alexandra Lawrence* to read four books – one per season – by Italian authors in translation. Each has been chosen for their diverse content, including themes of immigration, class dynamics, LGBTQ+ relationships, and mental health. Each season Open Door editor Lauren Mouat and Alexandra will have an online discussion about the book before opening it up to a group discussion.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive reading questions & dates and links for the zoom discussion. We hope to see you there!
*Alexandra Lawrence is a cultural entrepreneur based in Florence. She is a founder of All Street Italy, creating curated meaningful experiences in Naples and beyond and regularly hosts online courses on Florentine art, history and literature. Her Illuminare Book Club on Substack has spent 2024 reading Italian female authors in translation and we could not be more thrilled to read these four books with her in 2025!
Book Club Selection for 2025

Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio by Amara Lakhous, translated by Ann Goldstein. Sign up here to attend the book club online meeting March 17th 6pm (Italy time).

Swimming to Elba by Silvia Avallone, translated by Antony Shugaar

Separate Rooms by Pier Vittorio Tondelli, translated by Simon Pleasance (n.b. This new translation releases on April 24th, 2025)

Everything Calls for Salvation by Daniele Mencarelli, translated by Wendy Wheatley